Monday, August 17, 2020

Hotel Mumbai (Movie)

 Yesterday, I saw the long-awaited movie "Hotel Mumbai" as Taj Mahal Hotel, Mumbai has always fascinated me. 

And as I was watching with my son, was expecting to learn from this (Mumbai attack)tragic event. However, the movie has captured a series of events starting from reception staff to Chief and how guests are helped to escape the hotel. 

Hotel staff - Salute to them and heroic action to save their guests. 

Having said, the movie has failed to showcase the following real-time  events (which are captured on media - Print, Digital) :

1. Hotel Manager who has lost his family however he is survived. In the movie, the Manager is shot dead.

2. Western and especially American Guest has blocked smoke entering their room by placing wet doormats.

Lessons learned :

1. When in crisis, follow rules (very difficult when life is at stake) however decision with anxiety increases chances of failure. 

2. Once you are in a room, wait for the right people to come and rescue as it is easy for a terrorist to foul play  

3. Be Alert